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  • RECONNECTED Annual Meeting 2024

    The RECONNECTED consortium gathered for the second time in October 2024. The consortium partner INESC-TEC located in the vibrant city of Porto, Portugal, played host to the annual consortium meeting. Members from…

  • Webinar: co-creation in mental health research

    We are excited to announce that joint efforts among our sister projects have been made, and we are talking at the European Mental Health Week! Join us on 15 May 2024, Wednesday…

  • consortium meeting

    Members of the ReConnected project met at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam for the first face-to-face consortium meeting in October 2023. The meeting was characterised by fruitful exchanges, discussions and brainstorming on how to…

  • 6,5 million for research on digital interventions to protect the mental health of vulnerable citizens in Europe

    Associate professor Annet Kleiboer (Clinical Psychology) and colleagues from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU Amsterdam) have received a grant within the EU/Horizon Europe programme to study the effects of a self-management digital support…